00:08:31:14 → Henry Kissenger

Pre-AI algorithms are good at delivering addictive content to humans. AI is excellent at it. Its ability to affect human thought, to convince, to steer, to divert, grows.

(The Age of A.I : And our Human Future,  Henry A Kissinger, Eric Schmidt, Daniel Huttenlocher, 2021)

Henry KissengerAmerican Diplomat and Political Scientist.

00:20:41:07 → Henry Kissenger

It is evident that we are in the presence of another experience of reality by another sophisticated entity. In a world where an intelligence beyond one's comprehension or control draws conclusions that are useful but alien is it foolish to defer to its judgments? Individuals may perceive godlike intelligence, a superhuman way of knowing the world and intuiting its structures and possibilities.

(The Age of A.I : And our Human Future,  Henry A Kissinger, Eric Schmidt, Daniel Huttenlocher, 2021)